Buenos Aires is a city that many writers and poets have tried to understand through their literary works. Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Roberto Arlt, to name a few, have tried to understand what is the essence that makes Buenos Aires a place different from others.

That philosophical search, still without answers, and the city itself do nothing more than fuel the interest of literature lovers in getting to know Buenos Aires. Well, an interesting trip that you can take through the City is precisely through literature.

Libraries, bookstores, fairs and literary cafes have stories to tell you. Also, think of it as a different tour than the ones you are probably used to taking, where it is just about seeing and taking photos. Here you will have something more than that.

Literary Tour in Buenos Aires: Recommendations For Book Fans

1. The Libraries of Buenos Aires

In Buenos Aires, no book lover should miss visiting the city’s most iconic libraries. For those who love reading, libraries are their sanctuary and a perfect opportunity to learn more about the country they are visiting.

The Mariano Moreno National Library is the most important library in Buenos Aires. Located in the Recoleta neighborhood, it boasts an extensive collection of over two million volumes of manuscripts, books, publications, photographs, maps, prints, audiovisual material, and scores.

Other important libraries you must visit in Buenos Aires include the National Congress Library, the Julio Cortázar Library, and the Ricardo Güiraldes Library, among others.

2. The City of Bookstores

It is not an exaggeration to say that Buenos Aires is the city of bookstores. Even though online book sales are gaining a lot of ground today, it is still possible to find fantastic bookshops. In fact, some of them will leave you amazed.

To start, we have the El Ateneo Grand Splendid bookstore, located in the Recoleta neighborhood. This majestic store is the heir to what was once a theater, a cinema, and a radio. Besides the spectacular architecture and building, the place offers an incredible variety of books and publications that you can browse while admiring your surroundings.

Another important bookstore in Buenos Aires is the Librería de Ávila, the oldest in the city (late 18th century).

You will also find major book chains such as Cúspide and Hernández, as well as other iconic bookstores like Libros del Pasaje and Walrus Books, the latter specializing in English-language books.

Bookstore in Buenos Aires.
Another important bookstore in Buenos Aires is the Librería de Ávila, the oldest in the city (late 18th century). (Image source: A Dreaming Ogre/flickr.com)

3. The Book Fairs

The book fairs in Buenos Aires are places where you will find second-hand and used books. The custom in Buenos Aires is that when you want to sell a book and acquire another, you go to a fair and trade it for one that interests you.

At book fairs, you can find true literary gems, publications that may seem worthless but are treasures in the eyes of a specialist.

The fairs are usually in parks and open spaces in Buenos Aires. Additionally, they are generally permanent, operating daily so you can browse without any pressure to buy.

It’s worth mentioning that books at these fairs are much cheaper than in new bookstores. In fact, some sellers may agree to lower the price if you negotiate smartly.

4. Corrientes: The Avenue of Books

You have surely heard about Corrientes Avenue. Its theaters, constant activity, restaurants, and eateries often draw attention. But it is also renowned for its bookstores.

It is true that the book business in this iconic area of Buenos Aires is not at its peak. Nevertheless, you can still find various bookstores offering both used and new books along Corrientes Avenue.

Some don’t even have a sign identifying them as bookstores. But any observant person will realize what they are visiting.

Did you know how many literary treasures have been found in the bookstores on Corrientes Avenue? Quite a lot!

Librería de Ávila, one of the most important bookstores in Buenos Aires.
Another important bookstore in Buenos Aires is the Librería de Ávila, the oldest in the city (late 18th century). (Image source: onas mer/flickr.com)

5. The Literary Bars

A café surrounded by books is the perfect ending to a literary tour. In Buenos Aires, this type of bar has become very common, as there is a demand from readers who need a place to enjoy a coffee and a book without much fuss.

This type of place can be a bookstore with a coffee shop or the other way around, a coffee shop that offers books to read.

In any case, they are ideal places to enjoy a book and forget about the chaos of Buenos Aires. You will feel as if time stops so you can enjoy your activity.

Some of these literary cafés or bars are:

Last Considerations

What better way to experience Buenos Aires than through its rich literary heritage? From the historic National Library to the bustling book fairs and charming literary cafes, this city is a haven for book enthusiasts.

Whether you are a digital nomad, a traveler, or an expat, dive into Buenos Aires’ literary scene and uncover its hidden stories and characters. Make sure to explore every corner, from the iconic bookstores to the intimate reading spots.

For more tips on your literary journey and other cultural experiences, check out ExpatPathways, your trusted companion for exploring Buenos Aires.

(Featured Image Source: Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦/unsplash.com)

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Holding a degree in Social Communication, I am a writer and journalist with a deep passion for tourism, history, and gastronomy. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, I believe fervently that each culture represents a unique world, compelling us to explore and study even its most minute and secretive details. Join me as we delve into my experiences observing the world, and let’s reflect together before you take your next step as a digital nomad or traveler.

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