Curious about where to find the best notable bars and specialty cafes in Buenos Aires? ExpatPathways brings you the ultimate guide to navigating the new battle captivating Buenos Aires’ coffee scene: the clash between notable bars and specialty cafes.

Just when it seemed notable bars, with their classic brews and historic charm, had a stronghold on the coffee culture, specialty cafes burst onto the scene. These cafes emphasize high-quality ingredients and precise extraction methods, transforming coffee into a sensory experience.

As barista schools rise to meet the demand from young enthusiasts eager to craft their own specialty brews, notable bars counter with their rich history and tradition. This dynamic has created dedicated followings for each.

Which spot is best for working with your laptop? We’ll break it down point by point in this article, exploring the advantages and drawbacks of each cafe type.

Notable Bars and Specialty Cafés in Buenos Aires: Which Ones Are Best?


Notable bars are not precisely known for the quality of their coffee. They usually use commercial or gourmet-grade coffee at best, but not specialty coffee. You can notice this not only when you order a cup and observe the content but also when you take a sip.

Although roasted coffee is banned in many countries due to its harmful health effects, it is still used as a raw material in notable bars in Buenos Aires. Additionally, the preparation temperature is often above the optimal levels proposed by the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association), which helps mask any potential defects the coffee might have.

On the other hand, specialty coffee adheres to high-quality standards from the raw material to the extraction process. Most of these cafes have professional baristas in charge of preparing the coffee, knowing the optimal temperature, the extraction process, and what the customer requests.

In specialty cafes, besides having menus aligned with SCA guidelines, you can choose the extraction method and the type of coffee you prefer. They also usually sell whole or ground coffee beans, barista accessories, and other products, focusing specifically on coffee.


The outstanding feature of notable bars is their service. Here you will find a group of waiters who maintain the old traditions and codes of customer service. For example, they will always approach the customer, even before being called.

A crucial point is that in notable bars, you never have to go to the main counter to place or pick up your order. This task belongs to the waiters, who exhibit all their friendliness and cordiality, as in the old days.

In fact, much of customer loyalty in notable bars is due to the waiters’ actions.

In specialty cafes, the service focuses on attention to detail and precision. Keep in mind that this type of store is frequented by people who have some or considerable knowledge about good coffee. Therefore, the service must meet the standards of a specialty cafe.

In some specialty cafes, a fast-food-like logic has been implemented, similar to what Starbucks does. This means there are no waiters to take your order or bring it to your table.

In this aspect, some people choose a notable bar or a specialty cafe based on the importance they place on service.

AspectNotable BarsSpecialty Cafés
Quality of CoffeeUses commercial or gourmet-grade coffee; not specialty.Focuses on high-quality raw materials and extraction methods.
ServiceTraditional service with waiters attending to customers at their tables.Attention to detail and precision, with some adopting fast-food-like service models.
MenuExtensive menu with coffee, meals for lunch and dinner.Limited menu focusing on pastries, bakery items, and brunch options.
AmbianceHistorical and traditional, with antique decor and spacious settings.Varied sizes and environments, often modern and cozy, with some small and others large with multiple floors.
Work EnvironmentNot designed for working with laptops; lacks large tables, fast Wi-Fi, and power outlets.Many designed for working with laptops; offers high-quality Wi-Fi, comfortable seating, and power outlets.
Customer ExperienceEmphasizes history and tradition, creating a nostalgic experience.Provides a modern coffee experience focusing on the quality and taste of the coffee.
Target AudienceAttracts customers looking for a historical and traditional coffee experience.Appeals to coffee enthusiasts and those seeking a high-quality coffee experience.
Price RangeGenerally moderate to high, depending on the location and menu items.Varies but often slightly higher due to the focus on specialty coffee.
Notable bars and speciality cafés. Which is the best one?


Notable bars are also known as notable cafes. However, the term notable bars better reflects what these places offer in their menus. To start with, you can have a coffee at any time of the day. You will never hear, “No, we don’t serve coffee at this hour.”

Notable bars also offer extensive menus for lunch and dinner. A contradiction? Not at all, it’s a broader approach to what a bar should offer, not relying solely on coffee sales. For some people, this is fantastic because a notable bar can be a quick and cheap dining option. However, for others, the overlap of coffee and meals may not be the experience a coffee enthusiast seeks.

And what about the menu in specialty cafes? These stores usually focus on a more limited menu, emphasizing selected coffee. In this sense, you won’t find meals like those in a notable bar, but rather pastries, bakery products, and offerings closer to a brunch than a lunch or dinner.

Specialty cafes think of products as complements to their coffee, around which all their activity revolves. Thus, you can choose from toast, cakes, pastries, croissants, puddings, and other typical European bakery products.

In this dimension, notable bars have a broader and more complete menu, while specialty cafes adopt the “less is more” logic in their menus.


Notable bars are places where history, tradition, and coffee are in the air. These bars have been around for decades (and even centuries) in Buenos Aires and all have a story to tell. The most important figures in Argentine history, from politicians to artists, musicians, and intellectuals, have sat at their tables.

For this reason, many enjoy recognition from the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, and in recent years, measures have been taken to protect them from economic crises.

In notable bars, you’ll find almost antique wooden decor, spacious areas (not all, but most), and many manifestations of Buenos Aires’ art: paintings, galleries, sculptures, etc. Most are establishments built during Argentina’s golden era, so many of their materials are noble and costly.

On the other hand, specialty cafes have gained prominence in recent years as a response to Argentine consumer demand. They sought a different coffee offering, not just as an alternative to notable bars but also to coffee chains like Starbucks.

In this sense, specialty cafes have proliferated throughout Buenos Aires. Generally, they start as humble ventures and then expand their offerings and physical stores. This explains why some specialty cafes are very small or don’t even have tables, while others have large venues with up to two floors.

Regarding the atmosphere, notable bars invite you to contemplate and appreciate more than just the cup of coffee in front of you. On the other hand, specialty cafes offer different sizes and environments, from the smallest to places where you have to queue for a coffee.

Where Can I Work with My Computer?

Notable bars are not designed for you to work on your computer. This is not an intentional declaration, but rather a matter of lack of large tables, slow Wi-Fi, and even the absence of power outlets to plug in your computer.

What a notable bar can offer is more available tables to work at, although you should remember that these places also serve lunch and dinner, so you might not be able to concentrate fully on your activities.

Specialty cafes, though not all, are designed for people who want to work while enjoying a coffee and a snack. While not all are large stores, most have high-quality Wi-Fi, comfortable tables and chairs for working, and power outlets to charge your laptop battery.

Additionally, they are quieter, less noisy places, understanding that this type of environment can attract many customers willing to make several purchases in exchange for being able to work on their laptops.

Last Considerations

So, have you decided which notable bars and specialty cafés in Buenos Aires are the best for your next coffee experience? On ExpatPathways, we’ve explored the rich history and charm of notable bars alongside the modern, high-quality offerings of specialty cafés.

Whether you prioritize the tradition and service of a notable bar or the meticulous coffee craftsmanship of a specialty café, Buenos Aires has something for every taste.

As a digital nomad, traveler, or expat, the choice ultimately depends on what you value most in your coffee experience—be it ambiance, quality, or a great place to work with your laptop. Dive into Buenos Aires’ vibrant coffee culture and find your perfect spot today.

(Featured Image Source: freepik/

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Holding a degree in Social Communication, I am a writer and journalist with a deep passion for tourism, history, and gastronomy. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, I believe fervently that each culture represents a unique world, compelling us to explore and study even its most minute and secretive details. Join me as we delve into my experiences observing the world, and let’s reflect together before you take your next step as a digital nomad or traveler.

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