Buenos Aires is what it is as a city, not only because of its beauty, its landscape and its architecture, but especially because of its people. Its popularity lies in the fact that every foreigner who comes to our land falls in love with our culture and our way of being.

Tango, football, asado, mate, Messi, Maradona and much more are the concepts and words that are surely associated with Buenos Aires. But we are much more than that. And in this article I will detail why Buenos Aires is so popular.

I have read your mind: are you dying to come to Buenos Aires to visit or to live? After reading this article, you will immediately go to plan your trip. Let us begin!

Why Buenos Aires is so popular?

The only city with its own music: Tango

Tango is a musical genre that makes us proud as Argentines, especially as inhabitants of Buenos Aires and the Río de la Plata. Although tango has roots in the early 20th century, its greatest popularity came with Carlos Gardel. With him, tango echoed in many parts of the world, including the United States, Europe, and Latin America.

If you look at the lyrics of Carlos Gardel’s songs and other tango icons (Tita Merello, Francisco Canaro, Julio Sosa, Enrique Santos Discépolo, Roberto Goyeneche, Mercedes Simone, among others), references to Buenos Aires are recurrent. All of them carry connotations of melancholy and appreciation.

Not many cities in the world have the pride of having a globally renowned musical genre directly associated with them. Buenos Aires is the exception to that rule.

The association “Buenos Aires = Tango” is literal, and you will feel the magic of this musical genre both in the streets and in cultural activities.

And remember: tango is not only listened to but also danced. And it’s danced in pairs.

Tango in Buenos Aires streets.
Not many cities in the world have the pride of having a globally renowned musical genre directly associated with them. (Image Source: drosan dem/flickr.com)

Football runs in our veins

Both Diego Armando Maradona and Lionel Messi have always had Argentina and Buenos Aires in their hearts. It seems true that Buenos Aires is a city you carry in your skin, in your memory, and in your heart until your last breath. A good example of this is football.

In Buenos Aires, you will not only find approximately 20 million inhabitants (including natives, foreigners, men, women, etc.); you will also meet millions of people who consider themselves football coaches. What do I mean? The popularity of football has reached such a dimension that it has been a national interest for many decades.

Haven’t you seen the reactions in Buenos Aires after the Argentine Football Team’s victory in the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar? Well, scenes like those celebrations are repeated daily.

If there is one element that unites all Argentines beyond political, social, and ideological differences, it is football. In Buenos Aires, and in Argentina, football is the most leveling factor of all.

La Bombonera stadium, Buenos Aires.
If there is one element that unites all Argentines beyond political, social, and ideological differences, it is football.

We are a rainbow of cultures

Buenos Aires has developed since its inception through migratory waves and its relationship (not without conflict) with native peoples. These waves of migrants came amid continental crises and the tragic decades from the start of the Great War to its end in 1945 in Europe.

From neighboring countries and war-torn Europe, Buenos Aires has formed through the coexistence of different yet not exclusive cultures and worldviews.

One reason for Buenos Aires’ popularity is that you won’t find a predominant culture or ethnicity over others. Religious beliefs, ethnicities, and cultures have coexisted in harmony (with some conflicts, as is logical), making the city and the country relatively free of significant cultural headaches.

For this reason, regardless of where you come from, you will feel comfortable and quickly adapt to our way of being.

San Telmo street, Buenos Aires.
One reason for Buenos Aires’ popularity is that you won’t find a predominant culture or ethnicity over others. (Image Source: Yen Chao/flickr.com)

You will never get bored in Buenos Aires

Whether you decide to visit Buenos Aires for a few days or weeks, or you plan to stay indefinitely, boredom will not be an issue for you.

In Buenos Aires, it is almost impossible to get bored or have nothing to do after your workday. The city’s size and the density of activities will challenge you to manage your time efficiently to make the most of your stay.

And here is an important factor: the inhabitants of Buenos Aires, also known as porteños. We are cheerful, optimistic, willing, and always ready to assist our friends.

In this traveler-friendly context, digital nomads and expats, don’t you think Buenos Aires is your place in the world?

People dancing tango in Buenos Aires.
Whether you decide to visit Buenos Aires for a few days or weeks, or you plan to stay indefinitely, boredom will not be an issue for you. (Image source: geigerwe/flickr.com)

We are a cheerful society despite everything

Argentines can teach survival during times of crisis. Much of our history as a nation has been under turbulent economic crises that have heavily impacted workers and the middle class.

Even so, optimism and good vibes are part of our essence. Although not all societies always show this, we acknowledge that we are not always in a good mood. But Buenos Aires’ trick is hiding a bad day or negative moment under a cheerful face.

In Buenos Aires, there is no better cure for personal problems than social gatherings. For this reason, you will always see Argentines in groups, whether in bars, restaurants, or simply sharing a mate or coffee.

Regardless of the context we are going through as a society and nation, in Buenos Aires, you will always find Argentines open to the world and life.

Argentines celebrating winning the Qatar 2022 World Cup.
In Buenos Aires, there is no better cure for personal problems than social gatherings. (Image source: Santiago Sito/flickr.com)

Buenos Aires: The city that never sleeps

Various Argentine song lyrics highlight this idea. “The city of fury,” “magical night,” “sleepless nights,” for example, are song titles that describe Buenos Aires well: active, constantly moving, where day and night are not distinct universes.

Saying Buenos Aires never sleeps does not mean we are lazy, idle, or party animals. Quite the opposite. Argentines, especially porteños, wake up very early and often go to bed late at night.

For any foreigner visiting Buenos Aires, the cultural, commercial, and economic activity late into the night in the city’s different neighborhoods is incredible. Restaurants, shopping centers, nightclubs, bars, cafes, theaters, cinemas, cultural centers, and even gyms challenge travelers, digital nomads, tourists, or expats not to give in to the healthy temptation of enjoying the Buenos Aires night.

In Buenos Aires, you will always have an invitation on your phone for a meeting or event. Of course, we comply with work and study schedules without difficulty.

Avenida Corrientes, Buenos Aires.
In Buenos Aires, you will always have an invitation on your phone for a meeting or event. (Image source: pabs242/flickr.com)

(Featured Image Source: Julian Hilale/flickr.com)

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Holding a degree in Social Communication, I am a writer and journalist with a deep passion for tourism, history, and gastronomy. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, I believe fervently that each culture represents a unique world, compelling us to explore and study even its most minute and secretive details. Join me as we delve into my experiences observing the world, and let’s reflect together before you take your next step as a digital nomad or traveler.

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